Thank you, North Idaho for the honor of representing you in Boise!

Beginning in 2014, you placed your trust in me because we share the same concerns about the losses of our freedoms, the constant overreach of the federal government, the attacks on private property rights, the diminished rights of parents in public education, and the growth of big centralized government in Idaho. With your direction and support, I continue to stand as the tip of the spear on the House floor in fights against crony capitalism, special perks for elected officials, the insertion of international code into our state law, and the unconstitutional use of our tax code to legalize gay marriage. I fought for permitless carry (which is now law), returning federal lands in Idaho to state ownership, SBAC testing-opt out for students, and other freedom issues. All this was done with only a small minority of liberty-minded, small-government legislators.
During the most recent primary, we made significant gains in the number of liberty-minded legislators being elected across the state and I believe this will have a lasting positive effect on Idaho if we can continue to grow in numbers. This year, over 40 new conservative candidates have stepped up to move Idaho in a more conservative, liberty-minded direction. I hope to rejoin this growing team and add my experience to their efforts. With your support on November 6th, I can assure you that your freedoms and our state sovereignty will be protected and strengthened.
I have worked tirelessly throughout my two terms in office to increase citizen awareness of the importance of being an educated voter and an engaged citizen through my Engaged Citizen talks, my Issues Teams, update newsletters, and my awareness program drawing attention to the monthly draft proposed Administrative Rules needing citizen input. We all need to work together to reduce big government at both the state and federal levels. Idaho families and businesses should be directing government and dictating policy to elected officials, not the other way around.
I would like to continue to offer the residents of District 2 my commitment to fight for you who believe in our Republican form of government and the values and principles that have made America great and exceptional. If you re-elect me, together we can work to find common-sense local solutions to problems, not grow large bureaucracies that want to exert control from far away.
It has been my privilege to listen to issues affecting North Idaho families and businesses and work diligently to preserve your freedoms and rights. I want to continue to be the fresh, firm voice in Boise for residents of District 2.

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