Debunking Leftist Myths and Sharing the Truth

“The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.” — George Orwell

“When the debate is over, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” — Socrates

Attacks on the Truth — Top Myths about Rep. Heather Scott Debunked

I am proud to be known as a legislator who is not afraid to be a voice for truth and freedom and to stand up for the citizen. Because of this, many who fear the truth must resort to lies in an attempt to discredit me, my efforts, and those who share my values. Controversy helps sell newspapers, and many liberals believe if you repeat a lie long enough it will become true (or at least people will believe it’s true). It is no secret that there has been an organized attempt to marginalize and demonize Rep. Heather Scott.

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This campaign season is proving to be no different, with Democrats and big-government supporters trying to discredit me and the truths I expose. In the 2016 primary, the Democrats sent out a mailer in southern Idaho with two photos of me along with negative comments, trying to take out a sitting liberty legislator who also fights for the people. You can expect to see similar tactics here in my own district.

Because of my efforts to educate and engage citizens across the state, I put together a quick summary of some of the lies and myths I’ve heard so far, so you can be ready as an educated voter in the November election. As you read these, keep in mind that I have been voted the #1 legislator (of 105) for voting for constitutional principles and individual liberties and freedoms for the last two years. I think that paints a pretty clear picture of who I am working for and what is really true.

The left claims that because I voted against inserting international treaty language into our state code, I support deadbeat dads.I voted against inserting international treaty language into Idaho law which weakens our judicial system and allows the Health and Welfare Department to enforce foreign law from foreign courts and tribunals on Idaho citizens in cases of children. This bill denies due process to our Idaho citizens. (link to 30-page bill that was forced on legislators the last few days of session)
The left claims that because I question the process of a program, I hate clean lakes and our invasive species programs.I questioned current use of taxpayer funds for an effort law that appears unenforceable, with discrepancies and potential agency overcharges. With 20 years experience as a freshwater biologist, it’s clear that clean water and healthy lakes are very important to me.
The left claims that because I voted against several education appropriation bills I must hate children and public schools.I want simple, easy-to-explain accountability in our public education system, and will always vote for appropriated money to go to students and teachers, not questionable testing programs, exorbitant administrative paychecks and bonuses, and frivolous travel and expenditures.
The left claims that because I found a loophole in a bill and tried to fix it, that I don’t support school tax credits.After doing some research, I found that a loophole in our current law is being exploited to allow nonprofits, at taxpayer expense, to accumulate millions in endowment funds to generate income and spend on administrative costs instead of benefiting schools.
Interfaith Alliance “alleged” attack.Boise Interfaith Alliance “alleged” incident: A false allegation by the Boise area Interfaith Alliance was made in an attempt to silence and discredit me and to bully House leadership because of our stance against their “Add the 4 words” campaign. (complaint letter of “alleged” incident)
The left claims that because I believe Idaho agencies can manage land better than the feds, I must wants to sell all public lands to corporations.Currently the management of nearly all western federal public lands is so poor because of the constant threat of litigation from radical environmental groups. Western wildfires are the direct result of the feds lack of management and a result in billions of dollars of marketable timber going up in flames every year. State lands annually make more money per acre through timber management than the feds. If federal lands were in state ownership, they would not be subject to the litany federal environmental regulations and could be managed to reduce fire threats. Federal land ownership creates a complex range of challenges including much of the federal land sits atop energy and mineral resources not available to states to generate tax revenue from; federal lands are not subject to state or local taxes which affects revenue generation and local community services, and many times they wrap around state or private lands that do generate revenue, leading to conflict because of federal environmental regulations. Idaho state ownership goals will focus on better management that improves access, environmental health of the lands and increased economic activity. The federal government routinely shows no accountability for the way its decisions affect the people who live nearby and continues access to its land for citizens.
The left claims that because I posed with a Confederate flag, I must be racist.
I posed with a confederate flag on a parade float to show that our first amendment right is one of the most important rights we have. (This was the same week the Obama administration was telling states to not fly the Confederate flag.)  We cannot let the federal government trample those any time they see an opportunity. The left always throws up racism as a diversion when the facts go against their agenda.
The left claims that because I stood up for a veteran’s rights against a federal agency, I must be grandstanding for attention.I stood alongside our County Sheriff, Priest River Chief of Police, other law enforcement officers, elected officials and 100+ citizens to stop the gun confiscation of a veteran’s guns by a field examiner from the VA. I call this patriotism and standing for a Veterans constitutional rights. (link to article)
The left claims that because I visited the situation at the Oregon Malheur Refuge, I must be an anti government-occupier/militia protestor supporter.I went to Burns Oregon with a group of legislators before being in session at my own expense on a fact-finding mission. We met with the FBI, local law enforcement, commissioners, citizens and those at the refuge. I returned with a group of legislators and Rev. Franklin Graham to help negotiate the last remaining citizens from the refuge safely. The issues raised by the protesters are real concerns for thousands of ranching and farming families across the west. As a legislator, I need to understand these issues and be ready to address the needs of our citizens during the legislative process (two of the remaining 4 were Idaho citizens) (press release)
Rep. Heather Scott is unpopular in the Republican party and can’t get anything accomplished.In my first term as a freshman I was honored with:

  • #1 legislator for freedom and liberty – IFF (2015 and 2016)
  • Legislator of the Year – Republican Liberty Caucus of Idaho (2015)
  • Certificate of Appreciation – American Legion (2015)
  • Mrs. Powell Award – Center for Self Governance (2015)
  • Statesmen of the Year Award (2015)
  • Resolution of Commendation–Kootenai Co. Republicans (2015)
  • Award for Conservative Excellence – American Conservative Union (2015 and 2016)
  • Friend of Agriculture Award – Idaho Farm Bureau Fed. – (2015-2016)

The left claims Rep. Heather Scott is an extremist and her supporters are radical.I support our state and federal constitution as written; I believe in fighting for veterans rights and I believe in strong state sovereignty. I won 36 out of 38 precincts in District 1 in the last election (extremists?). The majority of Americans believe in the same things. These values scare the left and thus they resort to slander. Here are a few endorsements:

  • National Federation of Independent Business/Idaho Save America’s Free Enterprise Trust (NFIB/SAFE)
  • Idaho Chooses Life
  • NRA

The left sent out a negative mailing claiming I support poachers. I have no idea what they are talking about.

The left claims I am against the Timber Industry. This is because I exposed where 7 Million of your tax dollars were being given to a single business to do something they could have done for free. I call this crony capitalism and political payoffs and will expose it anytime I see it! Consider joining my team and help expose more corruption in Boise!

If you have any questions, please feel free to call me! 208-920-3120

In Liberty,
Rep. Heather Scott